Providing The Intervention You Need

For the Pediatric Population

A speech evaluation involves carrying out an informal assessment of speech and language skills as well as a formal assessment of articulation skills.
A screening can also be carried out to determine if a full evaluation is necessary.

A Language evaluation involves an informal assessment of speech, language, play and Interaction skills as well as the administration of at least two formal tests assessing expressive and receptive skills

A feeding assessment involves assessing the child’s function of oral musculature, ability to tolerate intraoral sensory stimulation and feeding skills. If indicated, the child’s swallow function will also be assessed.

Voice evaluations carried out based on Physician’s diagnosis.
For the Adult Population

The type of evaluation will depend on the diagnosis made by the Physician.

DYSARTHRIA If the evaluation is for Dysarthria, the assessment will consist of assessing the function of the oral musculature and articulation skills at different levels of complexity.

SPEECH AND LANGUAGE A speech and language evaluation will be carried out If the person is exhibiting such difficulties such as: difficulty expressing himself/herself, difficulty comprehending written and/or auditory information, or any other cognitive deficit.

DYSPHAGIA Clinical swallow evaluations also carried out.

VOICE Voice evaluations carried out based on Physician’s diagnosis.